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Amy Schumer Says John Cena Was ‘Actually Inside Her’ During X-Rated Scene

Amy Schumer jokingly claimed that John Cena was “actually inside her” while filming their intimate scene in the 2015 comedy Trainwreck. In the film, Schumer portrayed a commitment-averse woman who becomes involved with Cena’s character, Steven, a fitness-obsessed gym enthusiast.

Reflecting on Cena’s impressive physique, Schumer once quipped, “That butt is like a whole universe… It’s not even human. It felt like a refrigerator was on top of me.” She also joked about her own effort during the scene, saying, “I think it was probably tougher for him. He actually had to do something, while I just did what I normally do during sex—just lay there.”

Cena acknowledged the awkwardness of the scene during a 2015 interview on Conan, saying, “They wanted it to be awkward, so we delivered.” Speaking later on Club Shay Shay, he praised Schumer for making the set feel comfortable but admitted the reality of filming was anything but intimate: “Catering was right there, the sound tent was right there… It was really embarrassing.”

After hearing Cena’s remarks, Schumer humorously responded on Instagram, saying, “That scene meant a lot to me, I was really into it… and I’m in love with you.”

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